Life skills
The term ‘Life Skills’ refers to the skills you need to make the most out of life. Life skills are usually associated with managing and living a better quality of life. They help us to accomplish our ambitions and live to our full potential. Any skill that is useful in your life can be considered a life skill. Tying your shoe laces, swimming, driving a car and using a computer are, for most people, useful life skills. Why do we need life skills? Democracies need active, informed and responsible citizens, who are willing and able to take responsibility for themselves and their communities and contribute to the political process. Democracies depend upon citizens who, among other things, are: 1.Aware of their rights and responsibilities as citizens. 2.Informed about social and political issues 3. Concerned about the welfare of others to clearly articulate their opinions and arguments. 5.capable of having an influence on the world in their communities...